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13. Reproduction and Growth


3 (c ) Diagram 3.2 shows the involvement of cells produced by this type of cell division in the formation of zygote.

 Explain how the zygote is formed.

When the nucleus of the sperm(haploid) fuses with the nucleus of an ovum (haploid) during fertilization, a zygote is formed.

d(i)  45  chromosomes or 44 + X chromosomes

(ii) Turner’s syndrome

(ii)         The absence of one X chromosome which is a sex chromosome

(iii)       Radioactive radiation can cause mutation of the chromosomes . As a result, only one chromosome is present

SPM Year 2009
Question 5

Diagram 5 shows a human foetus in his mother’s uterus.
(a)    Name the structures labeled R and S
R  Placenta
S Umbilical cord
(b)   Explain the composition of the blood that flows through the blood vessels in S.
The umbilical artery contains deoxygenated blood and waste products such as urea whereas the umbilical vein contains oxygenated blood and nutrients.
The umbilical artery carries blood from the foetus to the mother whereas the umbilical vein carries blood from the mother to the foetus.
 (c ) The structure R is needed to maintain the thickness of the uterine wall. Explain the statement.
Structure R will secrete progesterone and estrogen which stimulate the uterine wall/endometrium to become thicker to prepare for the implantation of the fertilized egg.
(d)(i) State the type of immunity the foetus gets from his mother.
Passive natural immunity.
            (ii) Explain the importance of structure R to the body defence of the foetus.
  Give protection to the baby by allowing the diffusion of antibodies from the mother to the foetus that gives  immunity to some diseases.          
(e)   Explain why the foetus has a separate blood circulatory system from his mother?
·         Prevents the mixing of blood groups of the mother and  the foetus which may be incompatible .Agglutination might occur if the blood group of the foetus is different from the blood group of the mother.

·         Ensures that the fine blood vessels of the foetus do not burst as a result of high blood pressure caused by the flow of the mother’s blood

·         Prevents certain harmful bacteria & their toxins from endangering  the foetus

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