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11. Locomotion and Support


4. Diagram 4 shows human muscles and bones involved in bending the leg.
(a)   (i)   Name X

(ii) State one function of X
        X connect muscles to bones

(b)  Describe briefly how the characteristic of X is adapted for its function as stated in 4 (a) (ii)
X is tough, strong and inelastic
             When muscles contract, the force/pull is transferred to the bone through the

(c ) (i) State one function of ligament  in Diagram 4
                 Connects  bone to bone
         (ii) Ligament of a gymnast are more flexible campared to ordinary people.
              Explain the answer. 
              The ligaments becomes  more elastic and stronger due to prolong stretching
              and practice

(c)  Some marathon runners experience muscle cramps at the end of a race.
(i)          What is muscle cramp?
             Muscle cramps is the sudden contraction of one or more muscles which
             result in sudden, intense pain and the inability to use the affected muscle

    (ii) State one cause of muscle cramps among  athlete.
      Inadequate stretching, muscle fatique  and  lack of calcium in diet leads to
      abnormal/sudden contractions of muscle.

(d)  Suggest three ways in which a person can maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system.

1. Take adequate amount of calcium in diet
2. have proper attire for daily activities
3. have good posture